Category Archives: Food

Messing about in the kitchen

I’ve been doing more proper cooking again recently. I used to do a fair amount when we got our weekly organic veggie box, but when they stopped delivering (I think we were the only customers within fifty miles) it gradually tailed off. Finally it got to the point, at the end of the autumn, when I’d convinced myself that my cooking was so utterly inedible (remember Wendy Craig in Butterflies?) that the rest of the family would be happier existing on bread, cheese and Lidl pizzas. Well, it turned out that they weren’t, so I’m back in the kitchen making a glorious mess with the garlic and nutmeg. I rather enjoy it, actually, especially while the cassette player still holds out (unabridged Hobbit at the moment) and it’s at least warm, which is saying a great deal at the moment.